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Massage en anglais

Various types of massages. The Swedish massage, massage ayurvedic, massage thaillandais, massage shiatsu, massage of the head, massage of the feet, massage Zen, therapeutic massage…

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hawaiian massage

hawaiian massage

The Hawaiien massage comes from the Hawaii islands to Polynesia. It is a massage of relaxation and wellbeing which is done directly on the skin using a great quantity of oil of massage.

industrial massage

industrial massage

industrial massage Also appellé “massage on the site†or “massage on chair†, the industrial massage aims to reduce if not make disappear the stress accumulated in work period.

californian massage

californian massage

CALIFORNIAN MASSAGE This touch the listening of the other is one of the bases of the Californian massage, a nonmedical method of massage appeared in the Sixties in the United States.

kashmiri massage

kashmiri massage

Massage in the tradition shivaïte of the Cashmere still called Kashmiri Massage Technically, the massage is founded on the yogic knowledge of the body and the subtle experiment of the 108 marmas or energy points, similar to the points of acupuncture, and which are connected by the movements of the masseur.

Massage shiatsu video - qigong - do in

Massage shiatsu video - qigong - do in

Massage shiatsu- massage qigong - do-in massage shiatsu - do-in, automassage (pressure of the finger). shiatsu The shiatsu is a form of therapy relatively modern and Zen which becomes very popular in occident from its effectiveness.

Shiatsu, Qi dong, Do-in

Shiatsu, Qi dong, Do-in

The shiatsu is a form of therapy relatively modern and Zen which becomes very popular in occident from its effectiveness. The shiatsu supports the circulation of energy through the meridian lines of the body by pressure of the fingers, stretchings, exercises physical. The shiatsu rebalances the body and the spirit; its technique is complex and subtle.

head massage massage of face and cranium

head massage massage of face and cranium

The massage of face and the massage of cranium are a particularly pleasant experiment and the majority of the people will be astonished as for the quantity by tension who are in the head and on the face, in particular around the jaw. You could possibly practise the massage of the head alone or in combination with massage of the back and the shoulders. massage of the face: